A humble collection of add-ons designed with love to enhance your Entire.Life experience. Read more about it.



Instagram is more than just a place to quickly share what you're up to with your friends. It's also your digital scrapbook. Years of memories are tucked away on Instagram's servers.

But browsing through those memories via Instagram's app or website can be tedious. Like most apps, Instagram wants to keep you mostly focused on this instant.

But Entire.Life wants to lift you above your whole life and show it to you all at once. So we built an Instagram integration to make it easy to see exactly what you were doing this week four years ago (assuming you posted something to Instagram then).

Note: if your calendar is public, other people will also be able to explore your Instagram history when they view your Entire.Life calendar. Which can be a great way to introduce yourself!

Unlock your Instagram memories.

Entire.Life thanks Tim Urban at Wait But Why,  for inventing the idea of the life chart, and Brittany Forks, who first put emojis on one.